Monday, February 11, 2008

Google Data Center In Malaysia?

The Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was quoted on Sunday, January 27th 2008 saying that Google Inc expressed interest in setting up a data center in Malaysia. The remark was made to Malaysian journalists at Davos, after meeting with the Google Inc’s CEO Eric Schmidt during the World Economic Forum.

Google Inc is believed to be eyeing Malaysia, India or Vietnam as the choices to set up its data center facilities. The Prime Minister was later remarked that statistics have shown that Malaysia forms the largest group of Google users in South East Asia. This, along with Malaysia’s strategic location and infrastructure, was stated to make Malaysia an ideal location.

A data center is a facility to house computer systems and its components. It will usually include backup power supplies, security measures and environmental control against damages. While Google has an office in Singapore and in Sydney for its Asia-Pacific region, if the data center plan goes through, it will mean a first of its kind for the region.

As an analysis of this development, what does Google Inc’s presence in Malaysia entail? In terms of social development, it will provide more jobs to the nation. Indirectly, Google’s confidence in the country by creating its data center will also help to boost FDI (foreign direct investments) into the country by other corporations, which try to follow suit in Google’s footsteps. As Google is one of the largest IT companies in the world, its choice in Malaysia will also create emphasis in Malaysia as the new IT hub in the region, which currently is generally accepted to be the Philippines.


Praveen said...

to be honest. i dont think its going to change much. it will open the job market more though.
its like how intel, amd, WD, maxtor all come to malaysia. but no r&d is done, just manufacturing. we are a factory.

AJ Bunny said...

well, it won't be wrong to say that was the case but now, various companies are bringing in their r&d to the country, like IBM, according to last month's news.